The Thirtieth - How To Throw An Amazing New Year's Eve Party

Sure, I have all the alcohol but not all the age...

Anyway, it's my first time throwing a new year's eve party! I have been anticipating this day for over 2 years now so I'm very much enjoying the pleasure of finally being the hostess.

I will only have two guests but after all: for me it's quality over quantity.

The Must Haves:

  1. champagne - I have piccolo, this non-alcoholic champagne which I really enjoy, so hey!
  2. glitter and gold! - I feel like sparkles are the most important part of the decor
  3. movies - to be honest I'm not too sure what we're going to watch...
  4. somewhere good to take photos - I am in the middle of making a colourful backdrop as I type!
  5. FOOOOOOD! - the only thing that will ever get multiplied O's and capital letters
  6. themed outfits - I told my friends what colours they can wear so we'll all be matching you know, "by accident"
  7. MORE FOOOOOD! - pretty self explanatory
  8. home made stuff - baking is always a good idea
  9. camera at the ready - I'm basically going to be the official photographer (gotta keep that Instagram tight)
  10. the most lovely people by your side - what's a new year if you're not starting it with the ones you love? NOTHING. And if you don't have who to spend it with, remember: YOUTUBE IS YOUR FRIEND <3 So you can just spend it with me hahaha! That's how I spent my birthday... *sobs uncontrollably and hates life*
So those are the must haves and all the rest you can figure out yourselves! Hope y'all will have a fantastic one!



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