some sort of strange sad songs

I feel happy here. The only people who read are either the bored or the curious. I don't feel pressured here but some times I forget to come back.

There are so many expectations; people keep trying to force us into specific lifestyles, disregarding what we might say or feel. 

The truth is that I don't know what I'm doing or what will happen, nobody does. It's just a make belief kind of thing. All I'm doing is intuition ruling my brain, telling me something makes more sense than the alternative option.

Today, I dropped music from my A Level subjects. It was a hard and indescribably disheartening choice to make but it will make my life so much easier and help me organize myself better once again. I have also made another decision to start learning Korean and Japanese at school as well as learning Spanish at home. It's a crazy thing, learning. I've suddenly found myself in a situation where I am actually allowed to choose what I want to learn and it's still unbelievable.

Isn't it all quite peculiar? I'm not really sure what to expect from life at the very moment. But I'm not scared because all this uncertainty is normal. It will pass. I'm sure of it. It's all quite fine. It's okay. And in time... it will be even better.

I love you.

your best friend
or at least a good one
learning korean


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