Month Of Mysteries

I've been in England for a month. That's cool I guess? I would go into full intimate detail about my very private life but... HAAH, anyone who knows me knows that's not something I would feel comfortable doing. But yes, a lot has changed, a lot has improved and I feel, uh, different? Isn't that always the best way to explain things?

I could honestly describe how everything is looking, but realistically looking, every person's life is fairly similar. There are just certain elements that may differ, but otherwise the whole base is almost identical. We all feel, some deeper than others, but all of these emotions are distributed through our days.

Ah all this pointless writing! Why, Gab, why? Excuse the mumble jumble, I seem to have gotten used to the short and simple 'talks' with the locals, where did the conversations go? Honestly, I just want to sit in a beautiful place with some snacks and special people and just talk with no distractions; no phones or such. Converse about everything that has ever been in our minds, ponder about all the mysteries of the world. Just run away from everything for a couple hours. Just... leave somewhere.

Let's talk.

Let's make some beautiful memories together.

I'm jealous of the rain, it's closer than where my hands have been. (Labrinth - Jealous)

i love,


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