Time To Be Busy

I have had the longest to do list for the last few weeks now. Now that the blog is 1 I will be posting less frequently, once a week (preferably Saturday).

I'm excited to finish my creative acts that have been waiting for me. I will be concentrating on myself a little bit more. Besides; it's quality before quantity. This means that the posts will be nice and descriptive.

Also, the more I do now means the more #secretprojects that won't be so secret anymore! Yes, I have promised them for at least half a year now. Finishing them will be quite the surprise, haha!

To be honest, I'm really excited for this. Oh, this probably means that I won't be missing out on my posts either. And yes, there might be some bonus posts. I'll only do that if I have 5 finished drafts so we'll see if I'm inspired.

Anyhow, as for today I am still exhausted but I'm off to do one of the #secretprojects and I'll see y'all soon. I love you lots and thank you for spending this whole year with me. I love you.



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