A New Chapter

It was while taking this photo that I realised that I feel like a completely new person. Julia sitting on top of a 10 meter cliff while I, having gracefully walked down it, was taking photos of her. This is a photo I have dreamed about for a couple months now and seeing the finished results tickled something inside me.

Yesterday I bought shoes. This is important for two reasons:
  1. I haven't been shopping in over a year
  2. The type of shoes
You see... I've realised that I have an unhealthy habit of buying things I don't like. I don't know where this came from, but it's a thing! That was almost the case yesterday, I saw some shoes and thought "yeah, sure!" However somehow, in a crazy mind war that I can't explain, my thoughts were completely erased and I noticed some other shoes right next to the first choice. And just like that I happened to buy shoes that I am now completely obsessed with and can't take my eyes of off.

Today, I felt was going to be a horrendously sad day. I kept thinking about people and friendships and jealousy and-
And then magically, in the middle of the day, I saw two books lying in the corner of my eye. These are my so-called "Happy Books" that I'm sure I've mentioned before. They're books of thoughts, songs, poems, rants and all the surrounding. I haven't touched these two specific books in a while though and my bad mood didn't disappear while looking through the papers and that's when I decided to clip together the used pages of one of the Happy Books and start a whole new chapter from the next free page! I adore those bold notebooks so much and the thought of continuing one from a different perspective seems... exciting to me.

Today again (but also yesterday and last week, and last month... and year...) I thought about my future album and decided to try to write some songs in the Happy Book I mentioned in the last paragraph. I won't type no more about it though, the pressure of someone knowing about my music is already too overwhelming.

I'm also trying to be more comfortable again. I'm going to start posting on my YouTube channel again, I'm tying up my room, I'm calling up people to take photos with me, *laughs* you could say I'm "rebranding". This strange person who has been living inside me for the longest time now is just about to leave so say your goodbyes.

someone simple yet a mess,
gabriela yvonne g


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